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Link-It Detail - Jax Mouse Phenotype - decreased kidney cell proliferation
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Jax Mouse Phenotype (1)
decreased kidney cell proliferation MP:0011441
Definition (1)
decrease in the expansion rate of any kidney cell population by cell division
Synonyms (1)
"reduced renal cell proliferation" EXACT
Parents (2)
img decreased cell proliferation MP:0000352
img abnormal kidney cell proliferation MP:0011439
Ancestral Roots
RootRoot Plus OneDepthParent
img mammalian phenotype MP:0000001img cellular phenotype MP:00053846img decreased cell proliferation MP:0000352
img mammalian phenotype MP:0000001img renal/urinary system phenotype MP:00053676img abnormal kidney cell proliferation MP:0011439
img mammalian phenotype MP:0000001img cellular phenotype MP:00053846img abnormal kidney cell proliferation MP:0011439
Genes (9)

human : 9
SpeciesGeneGeneIdGene NameEvidence
HumanFAT479633FAT atypical cadherin 4
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20727881, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:101900
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11171333, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97364
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11124809, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97531
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 12122116, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:95660
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19060336, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2656537
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21303848, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3045256
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18358465, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3525250
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 12925600, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:102564
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16442091, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20875407, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2155808
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19715689, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2150920
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19036847, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97362
HumanFGFRL153834fibroblast growth factor receptor-like 1
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18358465, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3525250
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19715689, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2150920
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11124809, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97531
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21303848, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3045256
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11171333, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97364
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 12925600, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:102564
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20875407, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2155808
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20727881, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:101900
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16442091, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19036847, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97362
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 12122116, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:95660
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19060336, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2656537
HumanPOU3F35455POU class 3 homeobox 3
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20875407, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2155808
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19060336, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2656537
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19715689, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2150920
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11124809, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97531
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21303848, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3045256
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20727881, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:101900
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11171333, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97364
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 12122116, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:95660
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19036847, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97362
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 12925600, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:102564
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18358465, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3525250
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16442091, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
HumanPKHD15314polycystic kidney and hepatic disease 1 (autosomal recessive)
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18358465, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3525250
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19715689, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2150920
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20727881, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:101900
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11171333, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97364
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21303848, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3045256
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16442091, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19036847, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97362
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11124809, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97531
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 12925600, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:102564
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19060336, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2656537
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 12122116, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:95660
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20875407, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2155808
HumanPDGFRB5159platelet-derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21303848, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3045256
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18358465, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3525250
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19036847, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97362
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 12925600, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:102564
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11124809, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97531
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16442091, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20727881, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:101900
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19060336, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2656537
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11171333, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97364
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20875407, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2155808
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19715689, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2150920
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 12122116, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:95660
HumanNOTCH24853notch 2
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11171333, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97364
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 12122116, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:95660
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19715689, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2150920
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19036847, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97362
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20875407, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2155808
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 12925600, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:102564
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20727881, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:101900
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19060336, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2656537
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16442091, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18358465, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3525250
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21303848, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3045256
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11124809, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97531
HumanNOS34846nitric oxide synthase 3 (endothelial cell)
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20875407, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2155808
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11171333, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97364
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16442091, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 12122116, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:95660
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19036847, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97362
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19715689, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2150920
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11124809, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97531
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19060336, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2656537
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20727881, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:101900
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21303848, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3045256
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 12925600, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:102564
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18358465, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3525250
HumanMMP144323matrix metallopeptidase 14 (membrane-inserted)
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11171333, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97364
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18358465, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3525250
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 12925600, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:102564
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 12122116, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:95660
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20875407, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2155808
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16442091, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21303848, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3045256
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19715689, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2150920
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19036847, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97362
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19060336, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2656537
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20727881, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:101900
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11124809, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97531
HumanGAS62621growth arrest-specific 6
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20875407, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2155808
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19036847, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97362
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18358465, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3525250
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 12925600, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:102564
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20727881, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:101900
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 12122116, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:95660
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11171333, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97364
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11124809, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97531
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19060336, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2656537
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21303848, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3045256
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16442091, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19715689, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2150920
XRefs (1)

XRef Types:
mp : 1

ToppGene Datasets:
none : 1
ToppGene DatasetsXRef TypeXRef IdXRefValuesSourceTop % Rank
MPimg MP:0011441decreased kidney cell proliferation0self