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Link-It Detail - Jax Mouse Phenotype - proximal convoluted tubule brush border loss
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Jax Mouse Phenotype (1)
proximal convoluted tubule brush border loss MP:0011352
Definition (1)
attenuation or degeneration of the microvillus brush border normally present on the luminal surface of epithelial cells of the proximal convoluted tubule; may be associated with renal tubular injury and/or cystic changes
Synonyms (1)
"kidney brush border microvilli loss" EXACT
Parents (1)
img abnormal proximal convoluted tubule brush border morphology MP:0011350
Ancestral Roots
RootRoot Plus OneDepthParent
img mammalian phenotype MP:0000001img renal/urinary system phenotype MP:00053679img abnormal proximal convoluted tubule brush border morphology MP:0011350
Genes (9)

human : 9
SpeciesGeneGeneIdGene NameEvidence
HumanAQP11282679aquaporin 11
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15723268, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2155865
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18172000, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96964
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15213262, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1335082
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11115063, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97798
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10807584, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96163
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16543471, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96494
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18701606, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1913583
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 14563659, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97898
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18971209, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96963
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11115063, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97798
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19005011, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:106621
HumanRRM2B50484ribonucleotide reductase M2 B (TP53 inducible)
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10807584, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96163
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11115063, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97798
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 14563659, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97898
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16543471, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96494
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11115063, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97798
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15723268, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2155865
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18701606, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1913583
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19005011, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:106621
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15213262, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1335082
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18971209, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96963
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18172000, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96964
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15723268, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2155865
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11115063, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97798
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18971209, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96963
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16543471, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96494
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19005011, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:106621
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18172000, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96964
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 14563659, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97898
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11115063, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97798
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10807584, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96163
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18701606, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1913583
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15213262, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1335082
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18701606, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1913583
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15213262, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1335082
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18172000, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96964
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11115063, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97798
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10807584, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96163
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 14563659, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97898
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16543471, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96494
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18971209, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96963
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11115063, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97798
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19005011, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:106621
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15723268, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2155865
HumanPTGS25743prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (prostaglandin G/H synthase and cyclooxygenase)
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 14563659, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97898
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15213262, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1335082
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18701606, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1913583
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18172000, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96964
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16543471, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96494
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11115063, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97798
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11115063, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97798
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18971209, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96963
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10807584, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96163
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19005011, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:106621
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15723268, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2155865
HumanMYO1E4643myosin IE
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11115063, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97798
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11115063, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97798
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10807584, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96163
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16543471, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96494
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18172000, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96964
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15723268, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2155865
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18701606, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1913583
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18971209, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96963
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19005011, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:106621
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15213262, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1335082
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 14563659, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97898
HumanMEP1B4225meprin A, beta
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18971209, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96963
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19005011, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:106621
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11115063, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97798
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18701606, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1913583
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10807584, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96163
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16543471, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96494
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15213262, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1335082
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18172000, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96964
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11115063, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97798
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15723268, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2155865
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 14563659, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97898
HumanMEP1A4224meprin A, alpha (PABA peptide hydrolase)
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18701606, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1913583
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15213262, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1335082
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11115063, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97798
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11115063, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97798
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18172000, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96964
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19005011, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:106621
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10807584, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96163
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18971209, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96963
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16543471, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96494
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 14563659, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97898
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15723268, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2155865
HumanHMOX13162heme oxygenase (decycling) 1
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18971209, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96963
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18172000, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96964
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11115063, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97798
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15723268, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2155865
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18701606, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1913583
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 14563659, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97898
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19005011, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:106621
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 11115063, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97798
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16543471, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96494
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15213262, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1335082
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10807584, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96163
XRefs (1)

XRef Types:
mp : 1

ToppGene Datasets:
none : 1
ToppGene DatasetsXRef TypeXRef IdXRefValuesSourceTop % Rank
MPimg MP:0011352proximal convoluted tubule brush border loss0self