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Link-It Detail - Jax Mouse Phenotype - ectopic ureteric bud
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Jax Mouse Phenotype (1)
ectopic ureteric bud MP:0010980
Definition (1)
ureteric bud(s) are not located in the normal or expected position
Synonyms (1)
"ectopic UB" EXACT
Parents (1)
img abnormal ureteric bud morphology MP:0006032
Ancestral Roots
RootRoot Plus OneDepthParent
img mammalian phenotype MP:0000001img renal/urinary system phenotype MP:00053676img abnormal ureteric bud morphology MP:0006032
Genes (8)

human : 8
SpeciesGeneGeneIdGene NameEvidence
HumanLZTS284445leucine zipper, putative tumor suppressor 2
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16452504, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97902
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10749566, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88180
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21128305, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10704385, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10704385, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17881463, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3715467
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17881463, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97486
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10021334, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97856
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17540362, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:109583
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16442091, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15691764, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1345139
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16452504, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97902
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21949185, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2385095
HumanSPRY110252sprouty homolog 1, antagonist of FGF signaling (Drosophila)
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17881463, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97486
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21128305, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21949185, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2385095
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10704385, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10749566, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88180
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17881463, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3715467
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15691764, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1345139
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10704385, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17540362, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:109583
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16452504, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97902
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10021334, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97856
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16442091, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16452504, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97902
HumanRET5979ret proto-oncogene
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15691764, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1345139
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21949185, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2385095
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10704385, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10749566, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88180
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16452504, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97902
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10021334, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97856
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21128305, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10704385, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17540362, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:109583
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17881463, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97486
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16442091, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17881463, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3715467
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16452504, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97902
HumanRARA5914retinoic acid receptor, alpha
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21949185, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2385095
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10704385, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15691764, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1345139
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17540362, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:109583
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16452504, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97902
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21128305, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10021334, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97856
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16442091, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17881463, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3715467
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10749566, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88180
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16452504, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97902
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10704385, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17881463, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97486
HumanPTEN5728phosphatase and tensin homolog
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10704385, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17540362, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:109583
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10021334, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97856
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15691764, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1345139
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21128305, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17881463, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3715467
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10749566, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88180
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16452504, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97902
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17881463, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97486
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16452504, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97902
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16442091, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10704385, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21949185, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2385095
HumanPAX25076paired box 2
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17540362, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:109583
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10704385, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17881463, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3715467
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21128305, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10749566, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88180
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10021334, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97856
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15691764, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1345139
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16452504, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97902
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16442091, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17881463, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97486
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10704385, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16452504, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97902
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21949185, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2385095
HumanFOXC12296forkhead box C1
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17881463, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3715467
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21949185, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2385095
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16442091, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10704385, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16452504, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97902
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10749566, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88180
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21128305, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10704385, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16452504, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97902
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17540362, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:109583
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15691764, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1345139
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17881463, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97486
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10021334, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97856
HumanBMP4652bone morphogenetic protein 4
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17540362, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:109583
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16452504, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97902
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10749566, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88180
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16452504, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97902
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10704385, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21128305, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17881463, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97486
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 17881463, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3715467
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10021334, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:97856
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21949185, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2385095
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15691764, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1345139
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10704385, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16442091, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2176201
XRefs (1)

XRef Types:
mp : 1

ToppGene Datasets:
none : 1
ToppGene DatasetsXRef TypeXRef IdXRefValuesSourceTop % Rank
MPimg MP:0010980ectopic ureteric bud0self