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Link-It Detail - Jax Mouse Phenotype - abnormal lung volume
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Jax Mouse Phenotype (1)
abnormal lung volume MP:0001942
Definition (1)
anomaly in the amount of air that the lungs contain at various points of the respiratory cycle
Synonyms (1)
"abnormal lung volume measurements" EXACT
Parents (1)
img abnormal respiration MP:0001943
Children (8)
img abnormal total lung capacity MP:0002304
img abnormal inspiratory capacity MP:0002311
img abnormal functional residual capacity MP:0002306
img abnormal residual volume MP:0002308
img abnormal inspiratory reserve volume MP:0002312
img abnormal whole-body plethysmography MP:0002337
img abnormal tidal volume MP:0002313
img abnormal vital capacity MP:0002309
Ancestral Roots
RootRoot Plus OneDepthParent
img mammalian phenotype MP:0000001img respiratory system phenotype MP:00053885img abnormal respiration MP:0001943
Genes (30)

human : 30
Page Size
Current 25
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Current 1
SpeciesGeneGeneIdGene NameEvidence
HumanCISD2493856CDGSH iron sulfur domain 2
HumanHOPX84525HOP homeobox
HumanNIPAL357185NIPA-like domain containing 3
HumanHIF1AN55662hypoxia inducible factor 1, alpha subunit inhibitor
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3836147
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 8192242, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88452
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10801980, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:109515
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21220515, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2151483
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 9182764, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:99829
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:107341
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20399150, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2442345
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18832574, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1919683
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15668323, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2652186
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 8441253, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1927580
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18198276, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1100882
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:107739
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18344414, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88057
HumanDERL251009derlin 2
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:107341
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18198276, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1100882
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18832574, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1919683
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 9182764, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:99829
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:107739
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10801980, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:109515
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 8192242, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88452
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 8441253, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1927580
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3836147
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20399150, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2442345
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15668323, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2652186
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21220515, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2151483
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18344414, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88057
HumanBLOC1S626258biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex-1, subunit 6, pallidin
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 8441253, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1927580
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 9182764, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:99829
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18198276, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1100882
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3836147
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:107341
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20399150, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2442345
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:107739
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21220515, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2151483
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18832574, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1919683
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15668323, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2652186
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10801980, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:109515
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18344414, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88057
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 8192242, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88452
HumanRAB3823682RAB38, member RAS oncogene family
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20399150, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2442345
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18198276, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1100882
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 8192242, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88452
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21220515, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2151483
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3836147
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18832574, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1919683
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15668323, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2652186
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:107739
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10801980, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:109515
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 9182764, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:99829
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 8441253, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1927580
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:107341
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18344414, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88057
HumanPHOX2B8929paired-like homeobox 2b
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18832574, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1919683
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 8441253, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1927580
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 8192242, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88452
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18344414, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88057
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10801980, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:109515
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:107739
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3836147
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 9182764, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:99829
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18198276, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1100882
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21220515, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2151483
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20399150, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2442345
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15668323, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2652186
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:107341
HumanSTAT5B6777signal transducer and activator of transcription 5B
HumanSTAT5A6776signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A
HumanSFTPD6441surfactant protein D
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18344414, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88057
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21220515, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2151483
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20399150, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2442345
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 9182764, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:99829
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18832574, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1919683
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:107739
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 8192242, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88452
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10801980, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:109515
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3836147
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18198276, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1100882
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:107341
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 8441253, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1927580
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15668323, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2652186
HumanSFTPB6439surfactant protein B
HumanPITX35309paired-like homeodomain 3
HumanNOS14842nitric oxide synthase 1 (neuronal)
HumanLEPR3953leptin receptor
HumanHMOX23163heme oxygenase (decycling) 2
HumanFUT82530fucosyltransferase 8 (alpha (1,6) fucosyltransferase)
HumanEYA32140eyes absent homolog 3 (Drosophila)
HumanDRD21813dopamine receptor D2
HumanCTSS1520cathepsin S
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18198276, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1100882
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:107341
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 9182764, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:99829
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21220515, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2151483
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18344414, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88057
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18832574, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1919683
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20399150, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2442345
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3836147
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 8192242, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88452
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15668323, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2652186
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:107739
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 8441253, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1927580
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10801980, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:109515
HumanCOL2A11280collagen, type II, alpha 1
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 8441253, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1927580
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18344414, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88057
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3836147
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21220515, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2151483
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10801980, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:109515
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18832574, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1919683
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:107341
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 8192242, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88452
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20399150, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2442345
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 9182764, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:99829
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15668323, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2652186
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18198276, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1100882
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:107739
HumanCHRNB21141cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, beta 2 (neuronal)
HumanCFTR1080cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (ATP-binding cassette sub-family C, member 7)
HumanRUNX2860runt-related transcription factor 2
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 8441253, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1927580
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 9182764, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:99829
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18344414, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88057
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:107739
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3836147
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21220515, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2151483
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 8192242, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:88452
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15668323, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2652186
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15944319, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:107341
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 20399150, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2442345
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18832574, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1919683
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10801980, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:109515
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 18198276, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1100882
XRefs (1)

XRef Types:
mp : 1

ToppGene Datasets:
none : 1
ToppGene DatasetsXRef TypeXRef IdXRefValuesSourceTop % Rank
MPimg MP:0001942abnormal lung volume0self