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Link-It Detail - Jax Mouse Phenotype - abnormal lacrimal gland physiology
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Jax Mouse Phenotype (1)
abnormal lacrimal gland physiology MP:0001348
Definition (1)
any functional anomaly of the glands that secrete tears
Parents (2)
img abnormal gland physiology MP:0002164
img abnormal eye physiology MP:0005253
Children (1)
img lacrimal gland inflammation MP:0008880
Ancestral Roots
RootRoot Plus OneDepthParent
img mammalian phenotype MP:0000001img endocrine/exocrine gland phenotype MP:00053794img abnormal gland physiology MP:0002164
img mammalian phenotype MP:0000001img vision/eye phenotype MP:00053914img abnormal eye physiology MP:0005253
Genes (17)

human : 17
SpeciesGeneGeneIdGene NameEvidence
HumanNFKBIZ64332nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, zeta
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16470615, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15699112, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1338803
img Jax MP
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 9413988, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:99420
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 22732358, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2136853
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10069332, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:108417
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15485632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96398
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16918699, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3769154
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19015307, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3818759
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15485632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96398
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19700744, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:98737
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21693692, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:105925
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:103038
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1926776
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1931595
HumanFAM20C56975family with sequence similarity 20, member C
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:103038
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15485632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96398
img Jax MP
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16470615, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19015307, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3818759
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 9413988, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:99420
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1931595
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15485632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96398
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16918699, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3769154
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1926776
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19700744, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:98737
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21693692, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:105925
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 22732358, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2136853
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15699112, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1338803
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10069332, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:108417
HumanTRAF3IP210758TRAF3 interacting protein 2
HumanMAP3K149020mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 14
HumanTHBS17057thrombospondin 1
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 9413988, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:99420
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16918699, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3769154
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1931595
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10069332, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:108417
img Jax MP
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19015307, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3818759
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1926776
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:103038
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19700744, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:98737
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15699112, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1338803
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15485632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96398
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15485632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96398
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 22732358, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2136853
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16470615, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21693692, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:105925
HumanSTAT36774signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (acute-phase response factor)
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16918699, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3769154
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16470615, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15485632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96398
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 9413988, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:99420
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19700744, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:98737
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15699112, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1338803
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15485632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96398
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 22732358, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2136853
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19015307, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3818759
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1931595
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10069332, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:108417
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1926776
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21693692, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:105925
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:103038
HumanXCL16375chemokine (C motif) ligand 1
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10069332, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:108417
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16470615, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15699112, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1338803
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19015307, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3818759
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:103038
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1931595
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21693692, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:105925
img Jax MP
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19700744, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:98737
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15485632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96398
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 22732358, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2136853
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 9413988, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:99420
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16918699, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3769154
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15485632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96398
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1926776
HumanMC5R4161melanocortin 5 receptor
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15485632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96398
img Jax MP
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21693692, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:105925
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1931595
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10069332, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:108417
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19700744, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:98737
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 22732358, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2136853
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:103038
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16918699, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3769154
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15485632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96398
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1926776
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15699112, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1338803
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19015307, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3818759
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16470615, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 9413988, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:99420
HumanTNFRSF93604tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 9
HumanIL43565interleukin 4
HumanID33399inhibitor of DNA binding 3, dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 9413988, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:99420
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15699112, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1338803
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10069332, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:108417
img Jax MP
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19015307, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3818759
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1926776
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16470615, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1931595
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15485632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96398
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19700744, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:98737
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:103038
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 22732358, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2136853
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16918699, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3769154
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21693692, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:105925
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15485632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96398
HumanFOXC12296forkhead box C1
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 9413988, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:99420
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19015307, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3818759
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1931595
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15485632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96398
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:103038
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21693692, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:105925
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16470615, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16918699, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3769154
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10069332, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:108417
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1926776
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 22732358, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2136853
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15485632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96398
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15699112, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1338803
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19700744, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:98737
HumanCCR71236chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 7
HumanCDO11036cysteine dioxygenase type 1
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15699112, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1338803
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1931595
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15485632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96398
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 22732358, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2136853
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16918699, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3769154
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16470615, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19700744, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:98737
img Jax MP
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15485632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96398
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 9413988, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:99420
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:103038
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19015307, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3818759
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10069332, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:108417
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21693692, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:105925
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1926776
HumanFAS355Fas cell surface death receptor
HumanAIRE326autoimmune regulator
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:103038
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1931595
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16918699, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3769154
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 9413988, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:99420
img Jax MP
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 10069332, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:108417
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 21693692, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:105925
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19015307, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:3818759
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 19700744, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:98737
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15485632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96398
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 23453632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1926776
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 22732358, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:2136853
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 16470615, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1347466
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15485632, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:96398
img Jax MP, Pubmed Id: 15699112, MOUSE PHENOTYPE ID: MGI:1338803
XRefs (1)

XRef Types:
mp : 1

ToppGene Datasets:
none : 1
ToppGene DatasetsXRef TypeXRef IdXRefValuesSourceTop % Rank
MPimg MP:0001348abnormal lacrimal gland physiology0self